The Power Of Gratitude In Your Business As A Spiritual Entrepreneur.
Exploring how daily gratitude in life and business can shift our mindset, shift our energetic vibration and ability to manifest.
Why having more gratitude in your business and life can help you attract more into your spiritual business.
Why the power of gratitude in your business can help you get through difficult challenges.
Why daily gratitude in your business helps you see new solutions, expand and grow in more ways than you can imagine.
How daily gratitude can help us access more wisdom in our life, and see the blessings in any situation?
The Power Of Gratitude In Your Business And Spiritual Life
The Power Of Gratitude not only helps you create a much stronger heart-based spiritual business but it helps you vibrate at a far higher level. It can help support you become more soul-aligned in your business.
Being more grateful in life and business helps us be more open to possibilities than you ever imagined because Gratitude vibrates at 540 MHz, the same frequency as love.The energy of gratitude in your business helps you have more compassion and deeper heart-connection with your audience, your business, your clients.
It can help you create and see solutions where things once seemed impossible.
How daily gratitude can help us access more wisdom in our life, and see the blessings in any situation?
Having more gratitude in your business can help you see situations from a different perspective and help your business grow.
In life and business it is so easy to get consumed by everything that may appear to have gone wrong. While failing to see those presenting challenges are just learning or signposts.
Some challenges in life and business are stop signs others can be signs you need to learn more. Some business and life lessons are there to guide us along a certain path, sometimes a new path. The gift is being able to be quiet enough and grateful enough to know the difference.
Why Gratitude In Your Business Helps You Grow Spiritually
The life or business we plan out for ourselves is not always the right or greatest path. Sometimes life has another journey for us, one that takes us toward a richer soul experience than we could ever have imagined. The more we resist these situations as signposts or opportunities, the more distress, and unhappiness we create in our life and business.
Just like life running a healthy business requires flexibility and flow. The more you can flow with the guidance the more likely you are to get through certain business challenges with ease.
Gratitude In Your Business Is Vital If You’re A Spiritual Business
When our life journey involves the more spiritual or healing arts, there is often more of a spotlight on our integrity, our motives, and our spiritual discernment. More of a focus on our attitude, tolerance, wisdom, and level of awakening.
Every single one of us is a soul, having a human experience with a variety of weaknesses and strengths. Within that a great opportunity of vast greatness especially when we face and overcome our own tremendous life challenges.
But those challenges also extend to those difficulties that come from running a spiritual heart-based business. Especially those struggles and pains we see in our clients and students.
Being able to be grateful for every situation isn’t always easy, gratitude certainly doesn’t mean denying the reality of any situation. But the more we can get into the energy of gratitude for every lesson. When have a greater capacity heartfelt wisdom, and strength to appreciate everything in life and work as a blessing.
Magic begins to happen, with the energy of gratitude
With every challenge in our life, we first have to accept that situation at that precise moment. There is more dis-ease in our life, our health, and our relationships when we deny or suppress our pain.
It is only when we fully face a presenting situation, that we can evolve from it. Sometimes we need to let go as were nudged along a different path than we thought we were on. Sometimes we need to shift our perspective simply to learn a new way of doing things. Other times it’s about us learning or developing new skills.
My Story- The Power of Gratitude In Business
I like all of you have faced many diverse challenges on my journey as a healer. A path of 25 years that was strewn with many difficult choices and challenges. Running an authentic spiritual business from a place of integrity and service can sometimes be a lonely and difficult journey.
So many times in my career I chose to stand up or walk away from contracts and work. Situations not of the highest benefit to me, my clients, or my students.
There were times my business nearly folded and many times my heart was broken. Because to me, my business was my baby, to me, it was my life. Until I started to see things a lot clearer.
But These Experiences Were Such A Gift
But you know in some ways I wouldn’t change any of these challenges for the world. They taught me so much. You see my business for me wasn’t just a career or about making a living. It has been a deep spiritual path, one that not only gave me some of my life back, and my passion back after many years of being bed and housebound. But more importantly, it helped me realign with myself and helped me connect with my soul on a really deep level.
You see, as a young woman in my twenties, I spent a large part of my life bed and housebound. A young woman with many fears I would never get any better. And despite still living with many health challenges, my work gave me my life back. I just wanted to be of purpose and do what I love.
That’s why I dedicated most of my waking hours and energy to my passion as a healer and teacher. In many ways, I feel extremely lucky to have been able to do a job I absolutely love. And been in self-employment for over 23 years around many financial and health challenges by focusing on my blessings.
Building Gratitude In Your Business By Focusing On Your Strengths
In my work, I have always focused on my resources rather than my disabilities. This helped me use my holistic knowledge and skills in a variety of ways. Sometimes that meant using my expertise such as writing articles for papers, magazines, and online media.
And other times it involved my skills and gifts as a teacher, and trainer sharing my skills with small and large groups of people of all ages. Because of my health conditions, I would often be only fit to physically work a few hours a day, a far more efficient way for me to use my time, energy, and stamina.
I would spend the rest of my time in business, in many ways downtime studying marketing or creating online courses or training materials for organisations and schools.
Grateful For Your Journey
Of course, there were many many times when I was extremely frustrated. Times when I couldn’t do any work, times when I couldn’t undertake specific contracts I would have loved to. Many times when I knew it was best to give the work to someone else. But I learned to focus on the great opportunities I could do rather than what I couldn’t.
I am not going to lie, at times the stress of running a business was very challenging. Yes even as a stress coach lol. Especially with someone who has a disability that isn’t visible, catered for, supported, or understood. But I learned to have the wisdom that some things are just not meant to be.
I like most people in business had also many unpleasant experiences. Situations where I wasn’t paid or where other people would try and sabotage my business or contracts. Sometimes I got really overwhelmed. But the more I learned to let things unfold these situations eventually revealed themself, more clearly. The work would come back, the contracts came back much faster and more easily.
Be Grateful For Your Gifts, Own Your Gifts
My life situation has changed again and my present situation has guided me to help you. A generation of amazing, dedicated, and gifted coaches, healers, and therapists who just want to live their purpose. But I see too many of you struggling to see, own and shine that greatness. That is where I help.
So for now, focus on what you CAN DO and mostly share what you are GREAT AT DOING. Be grateful for each and every client, contract, or sale no matter how small. And remember be grateful for the gifts and skills you have been blessed with and worked hard to gain.
So many healers, coaches, therapists, and conscious creatives do not see the power of their own Soul gifts, the gifts they are here to share. Identify Your Soul’s Gifts in this powerful mini-course Click Here

This is a great post. It is very inspiring, sincere, and I feel like I actually know you now. Thank you so much for sharing, and reminding us of the value of gratitude and counting our blessings.
Liliana Patricia recently posted…7 Tips to Empower Your Life and Create a Magnificent Life
thanks Liliana that means a lot not always to share these parts of our self 🙂
Thank you for sharing your story Eileen! Inspirational! Sian
Sian recently posted…What’s your USP?
What a helpful post, Eileen. Your example of how you’ve learned & used all the ups and downs, frustration, etc of things you’ve walked through to go forward & being grateful-helps me so much.
I lost focus a bit and was drowning in all that has gone wrong. Now I’m encouraged to learn all I can through it and keep my gratitude in place.
Thank you!!