The Law Of Attraction To Attract More Of Your Ideal Clients
There have been so many books written around the Law Of Attraction such as the Secret but most of them miss out on some key aspects of the Law Of Attraction. In many ways the most important secrets. I will explain this later… But how can you use the Law Of Attraction authentically to attract more of your ideal clients?
The principles of the law of attraction also known as LOA should be applied to all aspects of your life, business, and marketing. Here are simple ways to apply the Law of Attraction to your business to attract lots of new clients.
How To Apply The Law Of Attraction To Your Spiritual Business
Be Authentic – The law of attraction is about resonance, vibration, and energy it is not just about mindset or positive affirmations. In business, it is about being aligned with your purpose and alignment with your soul clients. Which is about totally being more of yourself. Being yourself is actually letting go of what you are not. Connecting with yourself at the soul level, embodying fully your gifts and that you are enough. When you own all of you, accept all of you, you shine all of you.
Be Grateful – Appreciate and value your skills, and your training. Be grateful for every client and customer you have ever had, Appreciate every Facebook like, comment, and share. Appreciate everything about your business including the hard lessons and challenges. And how blessed and lucky you are to be able to do what you Love! If you don’t LOVE what you do, well something needs tweaking or changing. You should love your work so much that you just know this is what you are here to do. When you genuinely are doing what you love and are here to do, the universe helps support you and it shines back at you.
Be Honest– Being authentic and honest in your spiritual business is vital in attracting the right vibration and karma. So many coaches and therapists are coming from a place of frustration. Struggling to be visible, struggling to attract enough clients that they self-sabotage by making unwise decisions from that space of fear and desperation. This can show up as offering products or sessions in things they are not skilled or even trained in. Or just putting out anything or everything in a hope that something may sell. What are you great at? What are you not so great at? Where do you need more training or not? Many businesses fail on reputation because of reckless mistakes. So start focusing on your greatest strengths, those areas that you have more experience or are an expert in. Every single healer, coach, and therapist I meet has their own unique natural traits and developed skills. But the problem is they often seriously undervalue the gifts that they already have. They are too busy trying to be or have someone else’s gifts or skills. I go into this more deeply in my Unlock Your Soul’s Gift Course.
Dream With An Open Mind– Goals and dreams that are open and expansive help us co-create all sorts of possibilities and higher timelines into our lives and the collective. This more soul-aligned way of attracting all sorts of abundance into our live, is more likely to align us with all miracles and magic of opportunities and synchronicity,.While more outdated goal setting based closes us off from the power of openness and flow.
Open Your Heart – Always focus on being of service, doing the best for your clients by offering what you are great at. When you focus on this you are naturally sending out a vibration of passion and purpose. Don’t get so focused on the money, that you bring your unconscious fears and beliefs with you. Most people use the Law of Attraction because they want more money. They usually want more because they believe they lack money, lack security, lack being enough…But they don’t heal their unconscious lack, lack brings more lack. If you’re not coming from an open heart, but a fearful closed heart when sending out intentions or goals your also sending out unconscious fears.
Be A Calm Coach Or Therapist– Make sure you are resonating at a deep calm and peaceful state of peace, then a state of fear, anxiety, chaos, or confusion. Sadly more and more therapists and coaches in the industry are coming from a state of anxiety, stress being calm and relaxed. Stop worrying about your business, and stop feeling you need to compete for clients. Remember it is all about resonance if you are in a state of fear and anxiety about not getting enough clients well guess what you will attract. If you are unsure about your services, programs, or skills, well this is what you will vibrate out. You have to walk the talk and practice what you preach.
Set Your Goals From Stillness– this is one of the most aspects of the Law Of Attraction that most books miss out on or don’t go deep enough into. The art of stillness or getting into the Zero Point is a powerful place to manifest pure desires. As I already mentioned when we vibrate consciously or unconsciously from a state of lack, we attract the same back. When we want something so much, so desperately we contract it, we lower the potential resonance. When we believe we already have enough but would love to experience more, it is much easier to attract. That is why money often goes to money. And why you should set your goals from a place of stillness and deep peace, from a deep meditative state. My suggestion is never just to meditate to get answers, or to set a goal. Use meditation as a daily habit a daily spiritual practice that is part of your business schedule. Something you do regularly so you resonate from the soul and naturally achieve a much deeper state of peace. Then when it feels right during periods of stillness or meditation put out your intention. Believe me, this is a far more powerful way to use the law of attraction. It often gives you better insight into what your soul really wants rather than what your monkey mind thinks you want.
Heal Old Pain And Conditioning – Again you attract what your resonating if you are holding on to pain, old conditioning, and fear. No matter how many affirmations you say, if you don’t address your unconscious blockages you won’t get results. We hold a lot of pain in the body’s cellular memory and in our energy fields that were unaware of. Inner Child Work is a deeply healing process that helps clear lots of old trauma and distorted beliefs gently.
Clear And Heal Negative Energy Chords And Attachments – Clear any negative energy, attachments, chords, and curses that may be infiltrating your energy field, your purpose, or your business. I personally believe that 99% of healers are not taught how to do this properly. It took me over 25 years to work with many healers and spiritual teachers around the world before finding a spiritual teacher really powerful in this area. Many healers and teachers doing this sort of work are still only scratching the surface. It is a huge cause of abundance, manifestation, business, and health issues.
Why The Law Of Attraction Is Much More Than What Is Taught In The Secret
The law of attraction is far more than what is taught in the secret. Or even the secrets of the secret. There are so many layers to the law of attraction that most spiritual teachers don’t talk about which can be in some ways misleading. But if we do want to attract more clients we need to be setting our intentions from pure intention, a state of peace and stillness and energy of receiving.
We can only raise our vibration when we put our own self-care or well-being first. When we do the inner work, evolve in our spiritual work. And set our intentions, from a beautiful space, where magical things happen, and things get so much easier. So step back, give yourself the time and space to be still, to heal, to really own your unique purpose, and naturally let the law of attraction work through you.
[Originally published Nov 2017 updated Dec 20239]

Great information! Law Of Attraction really work.
thanks Maja glad you enjoyed my LOA Blog
Wise words indeed, stillness has always been a problem for me, although lately I’m finding it a little easier, perhaps that comes with age!
Thanks Rebecca, I think stillness is a problem for most people especially today but the more we learn how to access that deep peace we find it easier to engage with it. And yes I think as we age we want to perhaps go there more
Very well explained law of attraction topic.
thank you glad you enjoyed it
Thank you for sharing, I found your tips very useful as I’m trying to grow my business!
Sara recently posted…35 Affirmations to Raise Your Vibration Instantly
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This is such a helpful reminder, thankyou.
Your very welcome Tanya 🙂