What Is Your Business’s Secret Recipe For Success? Every Business Has Its Own Secret Recipe For Success
What is Your Business’s Secret Recipe For Success?
If you are a service-based spiritual business that offers coaching, healing, teaching, or empowerment. You need your own secret recipe for success. And you need to know and own your business’s most powerful ingredients.
Why You Are One Of Your Business’s Secret Ingredients.
If you are a healer, coach, therapist, or spiritual teacher your soul essence is one of the most important secret ingredients of that success. Every Soul is unique, has its own unique vibration. In many ways, your soul is your unique secret recipe for success, in life. It often contains a variety of visible and invisible gifts, skills and experiences that are waiting to be unlocked. That is why you need to unlock your unique secret recipe for success.
You Need To Identify Your Unique Recipe For Success
The reality is even the most experienced and amazing healers, who have been in this industry for decades fail to recognize their most powerful ingredients. They don’t see their Soul’s Essence, never mind any of the ingredients that are part of their recipe for success. So they tend to either struggle to express that uniqueness in their business and or in their marketing.
I only started to realize more and more of my business’s secret to success about 7 years ago. After wasting a lot of years, money, and energy focusing on the wrong market, the wrong clients. Work that in fact exhausted me, didn’t fit with my situation, my strengths, and weaknesses. Work that caused me a lot of business and personal challenges, and a lot of stress.
Looking back I can now see clearly I was refusing to see big signs that I was trying to be something I was not, in many ways it was a form of self-sabotage to my success. I thought on a mental level I knew better when actually I was not listening to my soul.
My Business’s Secret Recipe For Success Got Clear
Like so many therapists I went through different transitions of uncertainty as I evolved. But about 7 years ago, after doing a lot of intensive inner work with my good friend David Rabone. Studying more spiritual marketing approaches including archetypal branding and archetypal marketing approaches.
Something completely shifted and I started to not just see more of my own unique secret recipe. But I started to understand why I had a gift for helping others see there’s. I was always fascinated by archetypes and archetype branding so this really resonated with me on a deeper core level and even on a creative level.
The Power Of Seeing The Real You
Although some of the archetypal work was actually deeply challenging, my life and my purpose became so much clearer. You see I started to see the real unique me for the first time. My own life story and path made so much more sense. I started to see why certain aspects of my work came so much easier than other work.
Recognising And Owning Your Unique Secret Recipe
I started to see my greatest gifts as my own secret recipe for success. One client, a therapist who had been struggling with the same challenge said to me during a session. That she was overwhelmed with tears as she had finally woken up to her soul’s gifts and said to herself “yes that’s me.” Knowing your unique gifts and zone of genius is just one small part of making your business work. Actually fully owning those gifts and utilizing them in your spiritual business is another secret ingredient and part of the skill involved in making it a success.
Nurturing Your Business’s Secret Recipe For Success
Nurturing a successful business takes time. Like baking a cake it can take quite a few times to see what ingredients are the most important. But once you know those special ingredients it’s time to make them into a product or service clients will want and buy.
Then it is about getting your products and services out and promoted in the right way, seen by the right potential customers. What I call your soul tribe and soul clients. The more authentically you are in your business, your branding, your marketing, your colors, fonts, and words the easier it is to attract your soul audience, your soul tribe.
Customers are more market savvy than ever. If you are a coach, healer, or therapist offering programs or sessions. Your audience wants to know you are a perfect fit for them. The more you can show up as you the quicker you can build that know-like and trust factor with your audience.
As a nurturer and highly sensitive empath, my highly sensitive and empathic generosity is visible in what I do and how much I give away. Even in the spiritual marketing and business side of my business, my experience and gift as a healer are part of that work.
Business is about selling a product or service people will actually buy. Marketing is about being visible in a way that your ideal audience recognizes you have something they want or would like. In many ways, it’s a mixture of psychology, alignment, and connection. All put together in the right order to nurture that know like and trust.
We all want to attract the clients that we are best suited to serve. So being authentically you, and owning those key ingredients that will attract those clients is extremely important.
Identifying Your Brands Personality As In Spiritual Brand Archetype can really help you start unlocking some of your business’s strongest gifts. And can help you understand the soul clients9 you are here to serve.
Eileen Burns is a Spiritual Business Mentor and Spiritual Marketing Strategist, to work with Eileen personally CLICK HERE

Your programme sounds great Eileen!
thanks Anna 🙂
Thank you for sharing your business journey.
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Love the idea of our secret ingredients!