Why You Are Your Brand if your a Coach, Healer, or Therapist? Exploring personal branding what it is and what is not. What is a Brand and why is it such an important aspect of your marketing.

So What Is A Brand?

A brand is what distinguishes one sellers’ product from another.In advertising and marketing, a brand is a design, symbol, name, term used to help potential customers distinguish you from another organisation or company. They use colours, fonts, logos, and symbols to stand out and represent the brands core values and traits.

Personal Branding

In a service-based industry like coaching and healing, in many ways you are your brand, your brand is more personal and has to be based on your authentic values. That is why your core values in your business are so important. You are your brand in relation to archetypal values that are aligned with your audience. Those values and traits that will unconsciously attract clients to you.

Popular Brands You Know

You Are Your Brand In Business. Why your main archetypal traits are a strong part of your brand. But where many personal brands go wrong/

Think of Chanel, Tk Maxx, Dove even Primark, Tesco, and Sainsbury’s they all use branding to capture you their customers.

These big companies spend millions on branding psychology, to get their branding right so they reach the audience that will buy their products.

So if you want to design a powerful and effective brand it should reflect what you resonate, the core values of what your brand stands for and of the course the solution your offering to your potential audience. 

Remember You Are Your Brand

So many therapists use over-complicated logo’s ( which are actually rarely logos more a picture) or business names that clients will never remember.

They use images for banners that simply doesn’t sell or resonate what they are offering. Many look very similar to others in similar fields, so they don’t stand out.

You are your brand and marketing so it has to represent elements of what you are bringing into the business and the solutions your selling.

You Are Your Brand In A Successful Business

If you are really serious about building a successful business and want to stand out on social media. Invest in a brand image that represents you and your brand values, your essence, your offering, not what everyone else is doing. It should be so clear and simple a child would understand.

You Are Your Brand But Your Brand Has To Be Built Around Your Audience

One of the big branding mistakes many healers and coaches make is they get so focused on their own personal likes that they choose brand colours, images, symbols around what they need or desire in their own life.

So the brand’s energetic blueprint actually represents something they lack, than actually what they are naturally providing for your audience.

Even though you are your brand, it is specific traits and values that your audience is aligned with. Often unconscious gifts and traits that you don’t even realise are important to your audience.

Your brand should  represent the energy and values of what your audience will receive from you and your products and services.

Archetypal Branding And Spiritual Marketing

Many years ago I started to invest in more spiritual and archetype branding and marketing courses. This opened my eyes to how much we are our brand especially if we are sole traders, self-employed, coaches, healers or therapists. And this is one of the most powerful ways you can stand out from the crowd especially in your online marketing.

I then started to bring my essence into my marketing that softer more nurturing part of me. Maybe your neighbour is also a therapist, so what makes you unique, different from them, there will be more than you initially realise. Knowing you is so important in building a powerfully authentic brand, knowing what makes you unique is so important especially if your a healer, coach, spiritual teacher or conscious creator that is why I have created this powerful mini-course. Identify Your Soul Gifts

Identify Your Unique Branding Archetypal Values

Take the spiritual brand identity, archetypal personal branding quiz

Brand Personality Quiz For Healers


Choosing The Right Colours For Your Holistic Brand Or Spiritual Brand
