Learn What To Post On Social Media. STOP Wasting Endless Hours Guessing What To Post On Social Media. Learn how to create social media content that attracts and converts soul clients, that grows your email list.
So many small businesses waste hundreds of hours every year trying to think up and create the right content to post and schedule on social media. Many think they lack enough creative flair and hire expensive social media marketers who end up creating content that just isn’t aligned with their ideal clients or customers and brand values.

One of the problems is they just don’t know themself or their audience well enough. or understand social media marketing. So constantly find themself at a computer for hours, trying to think up clever posts.
When the reality is the last thing you want to be doing as a small business owner is wasting endless hours or money on social media that doesn’t align or does not convert to leads or clients.
Knowing What Posts Your Soul Clients Will Resonate With
That is why there are a few things, that every business should know about their ideal audience or soul audience before creating any social media marketing posts.
- It is important to know who you are directly speaking to not just demographics but to go deeper from an archetypal perspective
- It is important to know what your ideal audience wants to know about you and your brand.
- Be clear on what you don’t offer and don’t serve. Now one example is many spiritual businesses will say I am targeting a spiritual audience, but what does that mean? Many businesses call themself spiritual which I am not a right fit for and your brand will be the same.
The reality is every audience is unique, just like every audience will have a different ideology of what spirituality means to them. As we know everyone is on their unique spiritual path and are all on different stages of that spiritual path. Your ideal audience and soul clients will be the audience that mostly resonate with your brand products, values and ideology. If you are not clear what that is, it will be much harder to build client connection and soul-aligned trust in what you post on social media.
Importance Of Knowing Yourself And Your Brand
The more deeply you know yourself and your brand, especially your brand values. The easier it is to identify what type of clients and customers are more likely to resonate with your offerings. Consumers buy from brands they trust so it is all about alignment and core values.
The more deeply you understand the brand values that are important to your ideal audience the easier it is to know what type of content to post on social media.

5 Types Of Content To Post On Social Media
Here are a few questions to ask yourself before creating different types of social media content
- Content that speaks directly to your ideal client’s problem or solution you provide.
- Social Media content that adds value, and helps build deeper connection and trust with my ideal clients and soul clients?
- Content that encourages engagement such as questions, polls, quizzes, and inspiring or funny memes.
- Lead-generating content that helps build up your email list and helps convert sales ( freebies).
- Valuable content that showcases your expertise, knowledge, and insight such as tips, spiritual insights, and inspiring stories.
Why You Should Brand Your Content When Posting On Social Media
Branded content is known to dramatically increase brand recognition and brand growth.
When you brand your content effectively, you make it easier for your audience to identify your content on social media.
So before you post on social media check that most of your content is branded with your brand colors, brand fonts, and marketing message when appropriate.
You can take this to a whole new level with Archetypal Branding, check out my Spiritual Archetypal Brand Quiz to find out more.