How To Boost Your Blog Traffic. So you have a blog, maybe you have written lots of great blogs on topics you know your soul clients are interested in, but well you are just not getting enough online traffic never mind enough conversions.
It is easy to think that blogging is just about writing topics that your audience is interested in. But if you are using blogging to make money or blogging that is aimed at converting your ideal audience into clients or customers. You want to understand how to blog effectively and market your blog effectively.
The most successful spiritual blogs tend to be built around a combination of good intuition and an effective blogging strategy that helps you get in front of a large enough traffic of your ideal audience.
Here are a few important tips on how to boost your blog traffic to get in front enough of your ideal clients and soul clients.

How To Boost Your Blog Traffic As A Spiritual Business Owner
Write Relevant and Aligned Blogs
Write blogs on topics your ideal audience and soul audience are genuinely interested in, educational topics that are relevant and aligned. Blogs around their biggest pain points and how you solve their pain points can be a great way to boost your blog traffic. Choose between 3- 5 content pillars to write about.
Write inspiring or insightful blogs that help build that know, like, and trust about why you and your products or services are perfect for them.
Write evergreen blogs that are relevant not just in the short-term but long term. This can save you a lot of time, energy, and money in the long term. Search engines love evergreen content.

Write Blog Titles And Headlines That Stand Out
Learn to write effective Blog Titles and Headlines that stand out and speak directly to the heart and soul of your client’s wants and needs. Learn how to speak to the heart of their problems. The online world is so noisy it is important your blog title is clear, relevant, and stands out from the crowd. To boost your blog traffic your blog title needs to -be able to grab your ideal audience’s attention above the noise and chaos in the online world.
Write From The Heart And Soul
Your ideal audience and soul clients buy spiritual products and services that they trust and feel aligned with or feel spiritually aligned with. When you write authentically from a place of integrity, your audience can often see it, feel it, hear it, or sense it. More than ever people need to know you genuinely care and want what is best for your audience and clients.
Learn About Search Engine Optimisation
Using effective SEO search engine optimization for your spiritual blogs is important to boost your blog traffic. The right SEO will help increase your organic traffic, especially free evergreen traffic. It is what helps your ideal audience find you through search engines like google, yahoo, bing… It can be a powerful way to increase blog traffic and grow your online spiritual business. Blogging is one of the main strategies I have used for over 20 years to get traffic to my holistic and spiritual business. Checking out my Blogging For Healers and Coaches Program.
Plan Out An Effective Marketing Strategy
Have an effective marketing strategy that helps you reach a wider audience, and encourages other people to link to and share your blogs. Stop hoping, praying, guessing, and start creating your own personalized marketing plan. A marketing plan that is perfectly aligned with your business, your audience, and your business’s core values. It is so important that marketing for healers, spiritual coaches, and spiritual teachers is deeply authentic and demonstrates the core values and levels of consciousness of the healer.
Start Guest Blogging
Start guest blogging to reach a wider audience. Guest blogs can be a great way to increase your organic reach, increase your domain and page authority and improve your search engine optimization. But make sure you check out the blogs you would love to guest blog on to see if you are an aligned fit.
Eileen Burns is a highly experienced healer and online spiritual business owner and blogger of over 20 years who helps healers and spiritual businesses unlock their purpose and attract soul clients. She is a highly compassionate, healer, spiritual business, and marketing mentor who shares her wealth of experience and knowledge through her amazingly low-cost Spiritual Marketing Club Membership, and her Coaching, and Mentoring Programs.