Is your wounded child running your spiritual business or is it the sovereign you? Why your wounded inner child can sabotage your business and marketing. Why your inner child wounding can keep you small, can stop you be more objective, aware, and empowered enough to take the right more mature, and necessary action in your business.

Is The Adult Or Wounded Child Running Your Business?*

Running and building a spiritual business isn’t always easy and it isn’t all love and light. Running any business can be one of life’s biggest joys and biggest challenges. It can be one of the biggest ways to highlight our shadow traits, our inner victim, our inner wounded child.

Don’t get me wrong there are some aspects of running a spiritual business where your inner child, especially your magical child can help you leap forward.

But what if it is your wounded child that shows up with the wounded child’s perspective, it can prevent you from running a healthy and successful business.

One of mine was the victim, the inability to be mature enough to stand up to very challenging situations in business. In too many cases I lost a lot of money not being able to stand strong and be assertive enough to deal with unfair situations.

We all experience the wounded child running aspects of our lives. It shows up as the victim, the martyr, the saboteur archetype within us. But if the wounded child is constantly showing up more than the sovereign you, it can cause a lot of damage to our health, happiness, relationships, our work. The way we show up or don’t show up in our life, business even our marketing.

The- Wounded Child Running And Ruining Your Business

Signs Your Wounded Child Is Running Your Spiritual Business when your inner child is sabotaging your business
Is Your Wounded Child Running Your Spiritual Business? 4

You’re Treating Your Business Like A Hobby Or A Pastime.

Are you treating your business as a hobby, do you only work when you want to work and only do the things you want to do? Maybe avoiding or ignoring the important aspects of a healthy successful business? It is so easy to make your business all about your passion and play if your wounded child is running from self-responsibility.

You’re Attracted To Everyone Else’s Magic And Struggle To Value Your Gifts.

You spend a large amount of time focused on other people’s gifts, skills, talents, or business. You spend a lot of time and energy focusing on or wanting to be more like someone else and not truly owning, valuing, or focusing on sharing your own most beautiful life and soul gifts.

You’re Easily Offended By Clients Or Students That Disagree With You

Our inner child wounding also shows up, if we3 tend to take things too very personally in business. Are you easily triggered, offended, or very defensive?

Does your inner child constantly freeze or want to run away from conflict or disagreements with your clients or students? Do you find it extremely overwhelming to face these situations head-on in a calm, objective, and adult way?

Maybe you are stuck in the shadow aspects of the eternal child.

You Just Want Everyone To Like Or Love You

Do you just want your audience your clients to love you? Do you treat your business and your audience like celebrity fans,? Do you go above and beyond to do anything or everything just to be liked and loved? To a point of exhaustion, overwhelm, or fatigue.

Are you too scared to be truly open and honest about things that really matter to you and your business? Perhaps you get really upset and take it personally when someone unsubscribes from your mailing list or your Facebook, Instagram, or tick-tock likes go down.

You Think Everyone and Anyone Is Your Ideal Client

You think because you have the solution to a certain problem you are here to help everyone with that problem. That most of that audience is your ideal client. Common examples of this are when you try to be everything to everyone, or make sure that the client feels aligned.

Empower Your Wounded Child - Inner Child Therapy Workshop
Is Your Wounded Child Running Your Spiritual Business? 5

You Make Your Business And Products All About You

When you are building your business all about you rather than the wants of your ideal clients or soul clients. Your own lack of enoughness, insecurity, resistance, stubbornness, or pride is getting in the way of your success.

You’re Constantly Stuck In a Victim Mentality

Your inner child trauma is keeping you stuck in a victim response or victim mentality. There is always some drama and you believe everything is caused by someone else or something else.

When your inner victim is holding you back from taking self-responsibility and the necessary action to move from victimhood into being your own hero. This can show up in all sorts of ways from senses of expectation, entitlement, and common thought patterns “it’s not fair”, “everyone gets it easier than me”, “nothing goes right for me”

Moving From An Energy Of Entitlement To Gratitude

Your eternal child wounding believes everything thing should be easy, more instant, or even free. Look at old resentment, fears, disappointments, frustrations, and expectations. Look at areas where you feel let down, and where you think others should be supporting you more.

Start listing the support and help you may be taking for granted, don’t appreciate, or value. Such as all the free business and marketing resources and free promotional opportunities that are available to you today. In many ways, businesses have never had as much access to so many free business resources.

Is The Adult You Or The Wounded Child Running The Show

The wounded child running the show is simply an unhealthy learning pattern that is formed through anxiety, fear, distortions, and trauma. If you would love some help to stop your inner wounded child running the game. Check out my Inner Child One To One Support Sessions.
