Do you know who is and who is not your ideal client? This is something every spiritual business and holistic business should know. I do and so should you.
Identifying your ideal clients and who is not your ideal client makes your marketing so much easier. And here is why,
- Your clients are not everyone or anyone.
- Your ideal audience is not everyone with a specific problem.
- Your ideal audience is not everyone that is looking for a solution to that problem.
- Your ideal audience is not exactly the same as another therapist.
Your Ideal Clients Are Unique To You
For example, most of my clients and soul clients in the Spiritual Marketing Club are highly dedicated healers and therapists like me who are natural caregivers, life’s over givers. The healers and therapists have often spent most of their working life in service and dedication to others.
My soul client is highly invested in their work and in their spiritual growth. Their spiritual work and business are a big part of their life and purpose.
My soul client is motivated by passion and service because I am motivated by passion and service.
My ideal clients invest in their business because I invest in my business.
If you don’t know who your ideal audience is, you are wasting a lot of time, energy, and money. When you could in fact be reaching and focusing on potential clients that are desperately looking for you. Defining your ideal client is important for a successful business.
Who Is NOT My Ideal Client
You are not my aligned client if you are just selling spiritual products to make money.
You are not my soul client if you are not dedicated to your own spiritual growth.
And not my right client if you are not willing to invest in your spiritual business and expect everything for free.
How To Identify Your Ideal Client?
Who would you like your client or audience to be?
Are you an ideal match for that client if not they are not ideally your client.
Is that client willing to invest in your services, if not they are not the right client.
You both have to be aligned for you to be their ideal therapist, coach, or healer and for them to be your perfectly aligned client.
That is why I teach spiritual businesses how to create an ideal client avatar in my Identify And Attract Soul Clients Course. Where you learn how to create an ideal client profile and soul client profile.
So many spiritual business owners ask about how to identify my ideal client. Obviously, a client’s specific sex, age, location, specific health challenges, or lifestyle issues that you can solve are all relevant. But there can be a lot more to that…you have to know what that is.
Standing Out To Your Ideal Audience
You have to stand out to your ideal audience and no one else. Your job is not to attract just anyone and everyone, your job is to stand out and be visible to the clients you are here to serve. Just like my job is to align my branding and marketing with my ideally aligned audience. That is why I LOVE helping my soul clients identify their most dominant brand archetype.
Archetypal Branding can take your branding and marketing to a whole new level in relation to client attraction while helping you understand what clients you best serve.
Knowing The Clients You Don’t Want To Work With
I spent a large part of 20 years being a trainer in stress management spiritual and holistic well-being.
A lot of my work was for health, charity, and education organisations around Lanarkshire and Glasgow.
Now most of my clients from a buying perspective were actually the organisations. But some of the clients I was hired to help were not always my ideal clients. Some of the service users and students were stuck in victimhood, they didn’t want to change, and some just wanted a magic wand or a quick quiz, wanting me to do all the work for them.
For the first few years of my online training school, I would attract quite a few inquiries from students that were not my ideal clients, not my ideal students. Those students who just wanted the certificate, the quickest way to get a certificate. Students who just wanted to make money, start a holistic business with no care about the quality of the training. Or students who actually expected me to give them the training for free or at a small nominal fee.
My Business Values And My Ideal Audience
As someone who feels very strongly about safe and effective practice and do no harm first. I learned very quickly how important it was to make it clear in my business who was and who was not my ideal student.
I didn’t want to attract or enroll students who just wanted the certificate. I didn’t want to attract students who didn’t take these things seriously
So many liked the idea of being a relaxation therapist and teacher it sounded great, but many inquiries were from those simply not committed to putting the work in. Or expected me to give them access to thousands of pounds worth of tools and techniques for free or at a huge discount.
Sadly this is an issue in modern society where there is so much instant gratification. And if you are a coach, therapist, or trainer you don’t want to be attracting students with the wrong motives. Just like you don’t want to attract clients that are not really your clients.
Stop Attracting The Wrong Audience In Your Facebook Group
Running free Facebook groups can open you up to attracting a lot of wrong audiences. I have run many different types of Facebook groups and have attracted times the wrong audience. Because we now live in a society where there is a lot of sense of entitlement, where many people want fast or instant results and success for very little investment
When running a Facebook group business you have to consider carefully certain time, energy, and money commitments. Facebook groups can be a lot of work and often require extra admin support. An interesting thing happened when I ran a holistic business advice group many years ago.
I had a group of a few hundred people who according to my business software were downloading a lot of the freebies I offered. But rarely in that group did any of these members engage, support others, or even support the group.
I wanted to help others but there was very little appreciation or energy of gratitude no equal. In fact, far too much expectation and sense of entitlement which included all sorts of constant messages for free advice seriously impacted my business.
The interesting thing was so many were frustrated that they couldn’t attract enough clients and that their ideal clients were expecting things for free, exactly the energy they were bringing into the group.
Why You Should Vet Facebook Group Members
One of the other issues I faced was just attracting other business and marketing coaches and VAs who want to just copy my content. I attracted more than a few serious situations where other businesses literally plagiarised my work. Another group supporting empaths and sensitives attracted narcissists. That is why I know vet all of my other Facebook groups and why I know it is important to know my ideal client/.
Defining Who Is And Who Is Not Your Ideal Clients
My ideal clients are self-employed holistic or spiritual business owners who truly want to live their purpose.
The coach, healer, or therapist who is dedicated to being the best they can be.
The therapists who want to support the clients are best suited to help.
The experienced therapists and healers who are ready to step up and shine, ready to be more visible to their ideal client.
So who is your aligned client, and who is your aligned audience?
Who are your ideal clients, your soul clients, and who is not?
Who are the ideal clients who will invest?
Who is the typical client who will truly value the products and services you offer?
Well, start by learning more about what is a soul client, the type of client that every spiritual business wants to attract.
Would you LOVE to find out more about soul clients? The wonderful clients perfectly aligned with the program and services you sell?
[This blog was originally published on March 2017 and was updated 28th Feb 2020]

Love this post. I think it’s really important to know who is and who isn’t your ideal client. I spent so much time chasing the wrong audience in my early days.
thanks Wendy, it is one of the most common mistakes most small businesses make
Great post Eileen, love the content you share, I think it’s so important to recognise this and realise that even though we could work with anyone, it doesn’t mean we should. X
Nina recently posted…How To Look After Your Shellac… And Avoid Damage
Love it, you always give me so much to consider and think about in my business. Thank you. ♥
Liliana Patricia recently posted…Happy International Women’s Day Phenomenal Woman
thanks Liliana so pleased you found it helpful 🙂
Great post Elaine and so true. I wasted months of posting and reaching the wrong tribe because I wasn’t even sure or clear enough who my client was. Thankfully now I do a d my lighthouse now shines for them to find me x
thanks Pauline I did the same, I wasted a decade when advertising cost at least 10 times it costs today, it is such a common mistake
I so agree with this Eileen, and I I did a refresh of my ideal client today for an online course I created, and I feel so much clearer about who would benefit from the course, and who I want to work with, which I know will help me be more focused on my marketing Eileen. No more casting a net and crossing my fingers in the hope of catching fish! <3 Avril <3
That’s great Avril, sometimes we are so eager to just get our products out there. But once you know your ideal client it is all go 🙂 Most clients are so surprised how quickly their business grows.Once they work out their ideal client.