Guest Blogging is not just a great way to gain increased exposure, if done correctly it can increase your own website’s SEO Search Engine Optimisation. I have been writing holistic and spiritual articles and blogs for over 20 years most through WordPress. It was one of the main ways I built my holistic and stress management business in a more organic way.

If you are in an industry that appears saturated and advertising is expensive, Guest Blogging can be worth its weight in gold. But the problem is that many holistic and spiritual bloggers are not using an effective blogging strategy or blogging SEO strategy.

The Guest Blogger And The Host

Guest Blogging has to be a win-win situation for the blogger and the business and or website that you want to blog on. But some guest bloggers are just so desperate to increase their reach that they often approach possible hosts or websites the wrong way.

Every day I get inquiries from bloggers or content writers who want to guest blog on my site. But most I have to turn down because they are so interested in what is in it for them, most fail to see what is in the best interest of my website and business.

The things that people want to write about on my sites are sometimes not only amusing at times but crazy. I have been offered solicitor blogs, fending blogs, and *pharmacy links on a holistic wellness site. And let’s say the quality of the content is often very poor, some of the blogs I get offered look genuinely look as if they have been written by an 8-year-old.

The other major problem is alignment too many want me to share posts that are not aligned with my business’s core message or values. Or the content is just so basic, so generic that it would add no value to my site. In many cases accepting these guests’ blogs would do my business more harm than good.

It is important to consider very carefully what types of guest blogs you do for others and what type of guest blogs you allow on your site.

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Good Etiquette Of Guest Blogging

Introduce Yourself: As mentioned above make sure you introduce who you are, and what company or website, or blog you represent. With information on your about section so they can get an idea of your level of expertise or qualifications or work.

Do your homework before you approach a company or website to see if you can do a guest blog. Check out their website, their about section, and quite a few blogs to get a feel for the type of blogs this site writes about. This will give you a lot of information if your level of expertise, writing style, or subject will be of value to this person’s or organisation’s site.

Choose A Site That Has A Similar Ideal Audience: You want to be posting articles or blogs to sites that have a similar ideal audience to you. But not offering the same products and services that you do.

Blog About Your Area Of Your Expertise. Healers, coaches if the business you want to write for is an expert in a particular area they will probably expect you to write about an area you are an expert in. But make sure you are focusing on something different than what the host offers. Most guest blogging opportunities are about you giving away some valuable information, knowledge, or insight, the more you understand their audience the better.

healers benefits of guest blogging if you are a healer or coach who wants to attract a wider audience

Professionally Introduce Yourself. Be professional and polite, and introduce yourself in a way that softly sells you and your areas of expertise including links to your bio, your qualifications etc

Offer Extra Incentives. It is a good idea to offer some extra incentives such as offering to share the persons or other blogs or promotions on your social media.

Don’t assume that all sites let guest bloggers post on their sites for free. I get approached by many companies to buy sponsorship on my sites because of effective SEO.

Don’t Submit Content Written Elsewhere. Whatever you do don’t ask someone to post content you have written somewhere else or slightly changed. This is really bad SEO and can do the other business more harm than good especially if they have good SEO. If someone is kind enough to share your post on their site take the time to write completely fresh content.

Provide Evergreen Content: The best type of content you can provide on a guest blog is evergreen content. Content that will not just be relevant today, but this month, even in a few years.

Expect Blog Tweaks: When providing a guest blog expect certain tweaks to your blog for mainly SEO reasons. But some slight changes may be made to suit the website’s audience.

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Some Of The Main Benefits Of Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging can help you reach a much wide audience.

Guest Blogging is a great way to showcase your expertise and knowledge.

Inviting Guest Bloggers to your own site is a great way to bring in another person’s audience.

Inviting Guest Bloggers to your own website is a great way to bring some fabulous new topics to your website.

Be Grateful For Guest Blogging Opportunities

Be grateful for any guest posting opportunities you can attract this is a fantastic way to grow your business for free. You may be providing good quality content, but even better you are getting free advertising space, and free promotion, often permanently on someone else’s site. And remember a blog that has evergreen content, has a much longer shelf life than many other types of advertising especially social media posts. If they have higher traffic or better SEO than you, they are doing you a HUGE favour.

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Check out my Blogging Course For Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Blogging Courses For Spiritual Entrepreneurs Blogging Course For Healers Lightworkers

Eileen Burns has been studying SEO and blogging for over 20 years, she shares what she has learned about creating effective blogs in her blogging course for holistic and spiritual entrepreneurs and effective SEO in her Blogging SEO Masterclass.

She helps healers, spiritual coaches and conscious creatives unlock their purpose and attract soul clients through her coaching programs and Spiritual Marketing Club Membership
