Healers, Do You Know What Type of Healer You Are? More than ever healers are becoming more awakened and evolved whilst having access to so many different types of healing modalities. Healing Modalities work in different ways and tap into different vibrations, frequencies, and even dimensions.
I have been fortunate enough and honoured to have met so many different types of wonderful healers along my own healing journey over the last 30 years. To teach and be taught by many healers and teachers,
What Type Of Healer Are You?
Each healer is very unique not just in their modalities but in what were their most natural gifts, archetypal traits, and strengths, as well as their expertise and knowledge.
Some were more effective teachers than healers, some natural empowerers and motivators, some great listeners, others great channelers, spiritual connectors, or medical intuitive.
Each one of them had unique gifts, a unique purpose, different levels of spiritual awareness, awakening, and levels of consciousness.

What Type Of Healer Are You Meant To Be?
In many ways, the type of healer you are is not just about if you are an energy healer, spiritual healer, faith healer, reiki healer, theta healer, crystal healer…
The type of healer you are meant to be is not always in the ingredients, tools, or techniques you use such as crystals, herbs, essences, flower essences, homeopathy, aromatherapy, ayurvedic medicine, eft, acupuncture, or acupressure…
The type of healer you truly are is embedded in your most natural gifts, those gifts that are an integral part of you and the gifts that become your zone of genius that comes from being spiritually aligned in your spiritual business. That is why I love helping coaches, and therapists explore their master archetypes and main brand archetypes.
As archetypes help us understand ourselves on a much deeper level. Archetypes help us identify our strongest conscious traits. Which is important and extremely powerful in a spiritual business. Help us identify what is part of our life and soul purpose.

What Type Of Problem Do You Help Solve?
As we all know healing is something that can happen on so many different layers and can happen in so many different ways. But in business it is important to know what problem you solve, you help heal, you help transform or change.
As someone with a lot of rare medical challenges, some of which appeared to be congenital. I spent 30 years investing in healing modalities and healers that promised the world that didn’t deliver in more ways than one.
In many ways, I came to realise that a lot of these issues came from the way many healers were trained or not trained. And of course, from lack of awareness, consciousness, and knowledge.
What was frustrating for me was that I ended up in several situations in my life where I had invested so much money in healer and healing modalities that were not the right fit, that I had not enough money for therapies that were most suitable.
It would literally take me decades to find healing modalities that were safer and more suitable and more effective for my challenges. And in most of these cases, the difference was the healers knew what their purpose was and what it was not. What their modalities were excellent for and what it was not
It made me realise how many healers did not know their zone of genius and weren’t truly living their purpose. Most were just scratching the surface in relation to their gifts and purpose.
What Are Your Most Natural Healing Gifts?
It really helps in business when you know what makes you unique and what are your most natural healing gifts.
And believe me, it often does NOT depend on your modality.
Although as healers we know we are just the vessel for those gifts. We are not the actual healer we are always the catalyst, channel, or guide.
In business, it is important to be able to know what your natural healing gifts are, just because someone is trained in a healing modality for example Reiki, Bio-Energy Healing, and Theta Healing doesn’t mean someone is a natural healer. Just because you are a qualified life coach or qualified spiritual coach doesn’t mean that is what your mission or purpose is. In many ways, these are just titles and part of the steps along the road.
Most of us are drawn to study many of these subjects believe me I know I have trained in a lot, but sometimes our real gifts are actually more innate, and more natural e.g. the facilitator, teacher, mentor, leader, channeler, connector, networker, or even guide.

Why You Should Know What Type Of Healer You Are.
When I am helping healers, spiritual coaches, and even psychic artists and creatives with their business branding and marketing. I know how important and powerful it is that the healer actually knows or recognises who they are, and the specifications of their gifts and skills. Because every healing business’s product is the solution they provide their clients with, the results.
So many healers struggle to actually tangibly identify what results they actually provide, and what problems or niche is their particular area of skill or expertise. And because of this they struggle to find their niche, struggle to see who their ideal clients are. Thankfully I have different approaches I use in my programs that help the client or student see more clearly those specific gifts unique to them. Like every product or service on the market, there are different variations of that product on the market, just like there are different types of healers, therapists, and coaches with their own unique zone of genius.
Sometimes it is easier to see what type of healer you are NOT.

So What Type Of Healer Are You NOT?
I have met more than a few healers with the gift of being able to see almost precisely and with amazing accuracy what is going on in the body. Healers who knew nothing about me but who had such accuracy about the medical anomalies I had, rare complications not visible to the naked eye.
But equally, I have also met far more who have said they could identify what is going on in my body and who genuinely where believed they were so right when they were so wrong.
The problem with many of these healers was not that they weren’t gifted, but too many times they were just trying to be someone they were not.
Trying to force a gift they didn’t actually have or one that wasn’t that strong or harnessed yet. Often too focused on someone else’s path or gift they were not seeing the beauty and power of their own soul gifts or purpose.
Are You The Teacher Healer?
Many of the healers I have met were great educators I remember a naturopath I went to about 28 years ago he had a bit of the sage archetype going on, but he was also a fantastic educator and teacher. He explained things in such a simple and wonderful way. I can honestly say in many ways I learned more going to him in each clinic session than I learned from actual lecturers and trainers. This is a great example of a natural teacher who shared his knowledge openly.
Are You More of A Physical Healer, Mental or Emotional Healer?
We may look at all diseases as having a mental or emotional cause but I have met and worked personally with a couple of amazing healers who have an amazing gift for clearing diseases that are caused by life-threatening toxic substances and chemical bioweapons.
Are You More Of A Spiritual Healer? Or An Attachment Healer?
I have studied with a variety of healers who are great spiritual healers, who work on very high dimensional levels to clear energetic attachments, karma, implants, and curses on higher planes than many traditional healing modalities like reiki, etc ever do. One healer Ed Strachar I have studied with demonstrates amazingly fast results which some would regard as miracles on many with a previous terminal diagnosis who didn’t have long to live.
Marketing Gets Easier When You Know What Type Of Healer You Are
The reality is your business and marketing will get a lot easier when you know what type of healer you are and what type of healer you are not. The more you know the foundations of your purpose the easier it gets. Knowing your main master and super archetypes can make this so much easier. As archetypes can help you navigate your purpose with more ease.
We all know how much time, energy, and money can get sucked up in advertising and marketing. But when you really know what type of healer you are, you stop wasting time, energy, and money on the wrong audience. You then have more energy and space to attract the right audience, the right clients, especially soul clients.
The reality is as individuals we are not here to heal everyone or serve everyone. We all have unique gifts, unique training, unique life experiences, and different areas of expertise. We are here to support, empower, and help those clients we were born to help. The clients who want what you are offering, the way you offer it. Your business should be spending most of its time focusing on the clients who really value what you do. Not those who are always just looking for a freebie, discount, or some sort of exchange that maybe not be what best serves you at that time.

Understanding the type of healer you are is crucial for aligning with your true purpose and serving others effectively. Each healer has unique gifts, whether as a teacher, guide, or channeler, and recognizing these strengths helps create deeper transformations. Clarity in your healing abilities also makes it easier to connect with the right clients and focus on delivering meaningful results. Embracing authenticity in healing work leads to greater impact and fulfillment.