Why Brand Trust Is More About Your Ideal Audience And Soul Clients Than You. Why it is so important to create an impactful brand that can speak to the unconscious desires of your ideal clients in seconds.
Why you need to know your ideal clients and ideal consumers unconscious fears and doubts around the product or services you offer as well as desires to build brand trust.
Building Brand Trust
Building brand trust involves creating the right impression. In-fact research suggests it take between 1/10 a second for someone to make a judgement about someone. And less than 7 seconds for a consumer to make a judgement about your brand.
That is why investing in your branding can help quicken your business growth. With the right signature brand you can dramatically increase sales and seriously help with brand recognition.
In-fact just consistently sticking to your brand colour can improve recognition by 80%.
A soul-aligned brand is of course about building a business around your gifts, your purpose and those soul-aligned clients or customers.
But one of the common misconceptions is that your brand design and brand identity should be the colours, tones, images and themes that would attract you.
Even though in reality many of you have been in similar shoes to your audience. Brand trust is all about the consumer, the client.
Even though your holistic and spiritual business will often attract clients that have similar challenges to what you have overcome.
Your brand identity has to speak to your ideal audience, those customers and clients you best serve in your own unique way.
That is why when creating a strong and authentic brand you need to be able to also understand your ideal audience’s desires and fears.

Why A Strong Brand Identity Creates Brand Trust
A strong brand identity helps your ideal audience not just know what you solve and who you solve it for but helps relieves your ideal audience’s fears and doubts.
That is why creating an aligned brand is not about choosing your favourite colour, fonts, images or themes. Brand trust is about creating a brand that will unconsciously speak to your ideal audience’s desires and help soothe their fears.
A strong brand identity is not just about your core values, passions and traits. It is about your brand core values that are most important to your potential client or customer.
That is why archetypal branding is so effective at helping you identify and showcase the dominant traits and values of your brand that your soul audience unconsciously desire.
Building Brand Trust Through Archetypes
Archetypal Branding is a fun and effective way to help your audience hear, see and feel the energy of your brand.
Like any soulful relationship, it is a great way to naturally showcase your brands most attractive and endearing qualities. Especially those you take for granted that are a deal breaker for your soul clients or special customers.
Archetypes are symbolic patterns and traits we humans unconsciously recognise at an individual and collective level. Each one of the 12 main archetype’s we use in brand archetypes, represent different key qualities and values that different types of consumers unconsciously and consciously desire from the products they are looking to buy.
So much so they are used every single day in most marketing, media and storytelling to quickly convey certain impressions and messages.
Examples Of Archetypal Brand Trust
There are so many ways brand trust is built through the use of archetypal branding.
For example we just need to look at the many adverts that use the hero archetype in their branding to convey strength and tenacity such as Duracell and the Duracell Bunny that keeps on running, Nike’s just do it and
That is why someone seeking more courage and strength and physical resilience attracted to strong hero brands.
And those looking for a more feminine and intimate space to retreat are attract to more romantic brands.
Consumers seeking nurturing and safety are attracted toa Caregiver Brand.
And those seeking thrill or risk are often attracted to more Rebel Branding.
While the more scholarly are often attracted to a Sage Brand.
Understanding Your Brand’s Super Powers
When your understand your business’s super power traits from an archetypal brand perspective. You begin to see the innate qualities of your business more clearly.
With the right archetypal branding strategy you can create not just an impactful brand, but more importantly a strong authentic brand identity that shines your brand’s greatest strengths.
That is why no matter if you are an alchemist brand, an innocent brand, a communitarian brand or one of the other amazing brand archetypes.
You can learn how to stand out and create brand trust through not just your brand messaging, but your brand colours, brand logo, brand fonts, brand themes and brand images.
Identify Your Main Brand Archetype Today

You can start building more brand trust today, by identifying your brands most dominant archetype by taking my free soul-aligned brand quiz.
Eileen Burns is a Healer, Soul Empowerment Coach and Soul-Led Business And Marketing Strategist For Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Holistic Entrepreneurs. She is passionate about helping conscious business owners step up in their business, really live their life and soul purpose with greater strength and ease.