Most small businesses today are spending all their time on social media content that has a very short shelf life. Spending endless hours on content that gets lost in the ether rarely ever seen again.
A smart business doesn’t think short-term they also think long-term, they look at optimising their marketing for the best return on investment.
Why Blogging Improves Your Search Marketing Ranking
The reality is if you include a search marketing strategy in your business that includes blogging. You can be getting constant traffic to that same post for over 20 years.
Google generates over 6.8 billion searches a a day approx 6.3 million searches a minute.
And the top thing people search for is information… another top things is brand research.
I know personally when I am looking for something especially health and wellness products, I search for information on google first not social media.
An effective blogging strategy can increase your rankings on google and other search engines. Help you reach a wider and higher quality of ideal clients and customers.
The problem is so many people don’t have an effective blogging strategy and don’t know how to implement good SEO. And don’t know how to get daily quality traffic. In-fact a lot of website designers have such basic knowledge of SEO that some actually lower a website or blogs change of having a good ranking.
Blogging and websites are NOT dead.
With so many censorship issues over recent years, the more conscious business owner is recognising how important it is not to rely solely on social media or just one form of marketing. Websites can be one of your greatest marketing asset where you can showcase your expertise, uniqueness, your knowledge, products and services. Most of my best paying soul clients and students found me through my blogs.

Top Tips For Effective Blogging
Understand The Purpose Of Your Blog
There is a big difference between a personal blog, a hobby blog, a blog that sells affiliate products and a blog that is there to showcase your expertise, your uniqueness, your products and services. You need to know the why of your blog. Is it to provide information, education, deeper understanding of your offerings, encourage your audience to sign up to a free lead magnet or your newsletter, or is it just to be more visible.
Write For Your Audience Not You
Even though blogging can be very cathartic and a great way to put your words on paper. When you lose sight of why your blogging and who your blog is for. You can end up writing for yourself more than actually writing for your audience. Your blog needs to speak to your audience, it has to focus on topics and details that will be important to them, not you.
For example if you are a nutritionist blogger or a holistic doctor who blogs. Your audience maybe seeking more educational blogs around certain health issues or symptoms. They may want to see science backed research, facts and figures.
If you are a spiritual blogger that writes around around insights. You may want to write in a more informal style of blogging but you still want to discuss those spiritual topics that are important to your soul clients. And ensure your blog writing and layout has an effective SEO strategy.
Have A Blogging Strategy
No matter how much you use your intuition in your business and marketing. A good marketing and blogging strategy can really help improve your chances of being more visible, having higher google rankings. Believe me like everything the right strategy can save you time, money and free you from lot of unnecessary stress.
Using The Right Rich Keywords
The use of the right rich keywords in your blogging can make such a difference to your SEO. But it is not just about what keywords you use, and where you use them in your blog. And it is not always about using the most searched keywords, some keywords are so competitive they are very difficult to rank for. It is choosing keywords that would be easier for you to rank for.
Own Your Own Blog And Website
I believe owning your own blog and website is so important for serious spiritual business owners
As it one of the few ways you generally have more control over your content.
Blogs can be upgraded and shared at anytime.
Ready To Increase Traffic To Your Blog And Website?
Join my 7 Days of Boost Your Blog Traffic Challenge
for Holistic And Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Where I to be sharing some tips and trade secrets I have learned over the last 25 years about SEO, websites and blogging.