by Eileen Burns | Apr 23, 2021 | Marketing, Blogging, Content, Online Marketing, Spiritual Marketing
How To Find Spiritual Blogging Opportunities for Your Spiritual Business. The 5 Top Things Every Spiritual Blogger should know before you request to Submit A Guest Post to Another Spiritual Blogger’s Website. How To Find The Right Spiritual Blogging...
by Eileen Burns | Mar 22, 2021 | Marketing, Content, Online Marketing, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Spiritual Marketing
Social Media Tips for the Spiritual Entrepreneur who wants a Successful Marketing Plan. Social Media Tips for the Spiritual Business that wants to save time, energy, and money on their social media marketing and still make a powerful impact....
by Eileen Burns | Mar 15, 2021 | Client Attraction, Marketing, Spiritual Marketing
Client Attraction Why Your Opinion Matters In Your Marketing. Why your Soul Tribe wants to know your ethics, values, those things that are important to you and your business. You know when I am choosing a Spiritual Teacher, Healer, or...
by Eileen Burns | Sep 8, 2020 | Archetypal Marketing, Branding, Healers, Marketing, Online Marketing, Spiritual Business, Spiritual Marketing
Healers, Spiritual Teachers, Why your energy needs to be in your marketing and branding. Why you need to make sure your marketing represents you not the energy of your social media assistant. You know one of the things we...
by Eileen Burns | Aug 28, 2020 | Marketing, Business Advice, Holistic Business Advice, Spiritual Marketing
How To Protect Your Content. Copyright Law and why you need to understand it when running a coaching, healing, or therapy business. How to copyright your own work and not break copyright law by copying or using other people’s ideas,...