Healers Why Healthy Boundaries In Business Are So Important. In fact why strict boundaries are vital for a successful business. So why do so many healers, spiritual teachers, and spiritual coaches struggle in this area?

Healthy boundaries are really important in life and business. Healthy boundaries not only help you to be clear on what you offer in your business and what you don’t. But they also are vital to maintaining a healthy profitable business.

Boundaries in business help you be clear about who your ideal clients or soul clients are and who are not. Healthy parameters help you create a much healthier and robust foundation and structure in your business. They can help stop you from making emotional decisions that do not serve you or your business. Those situations you find awkward, stressful, and even exhausting.

So Why Is Healthy Boundaries Such An Issue In The Healing Industry?

Healthy boundaries are seriously lacking in too many spiritual and heart-based businesses and caregiver brands. Especially in the healing and therapy sector. Mainly because healers and therapists are driven and motivated first by service; passion, and purpose. They rarely come into this industry focusing on the money, so much so that it causes them problems.

Because the reality is no matter what type of heart-based business, coach, healer, or therapist you are you need healthy boundaries in your business to survive. Businesses need strict boundaries around time, energy, and money. Because you are not running a charity or a hobby, you are running a business.

My Own Struggles With Healthy Boundaries

I, a highly sensitive empath have struggled with boundaries for .2as long as I can remember. It caused me all sorts of challenges in my business for a very long-time. This lack of boundaries increased the health challenges I already had. It seriously thwarted my earning capacity, because I struggled to say NO.

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The typical highly dedicated empath and yes martyr who wanted to help as many clients and students as I could. So much so my business at times was more like an unsupported charity than a business. Too many times I would attract clients who said they couldn’t pay or who conveniently forgot their money. To this day they never paid me their money.

I also attracted many businesses and organizations copy and use my training material. In many ways, my own lack of boundaries, lack of self-worth attracted these situations. But if I had set clearer boundaries in my business from the very start, this would have never happened.

Despite being highly qualified and experienced I constantly undercharged for my therapies and training. One of those reasons was I was someone who had spent most of my income on my health and wellbeing. Even when I was living on an extremely low income I made many sacrifices others would never make to just be well.

My health came at a very high financial price from a young age, in more ways than one. And for many years I assumed on an unconscious level my clients were like me. The reality most of my clients didn’t have any of the extreme health challenges and financial issues I had suffered. Most could afford their treatments and courses but chose not to or chose to chance their arm to see if they could get a freebie or discount. And well I allowed it, I believed their excuses and I well, I really struggled to say no. It took me many years to wake up and be honest about what I was attracting and to see things a little clearer.

Why Healthier Boundaries Keep You Focused In Business

Healthy boundaries don’t just help repel those who are not your ideal clients. Effective boundaries in business help you see what you need to focus on and what to out-source or exclude. The right boundaries help you create a clear parameter of what your business is and what it isn’t. It helps you stop offering more than your business can healthily provide. And helps you focus on what is important, what you need to do and what you don’t

Healthy boundaries can help you move your business from a very expensive hobby to a healthy successful business.

Why Unhealthy Boundaries Are Deeply Exhausting, Depleting

The reality is unhealthy boundaries attract an imbalance of energy exchange. When you give too much away without a healthy exchange well guess what it will often lead to a depletion in energy, finances even momentum. We never really empower or help others when we give too much for free or for an unhealthy exchange. There will always be those who want more, more for less, less you are the only one that can stop that cycle.

healers how to set healthy boundaries in your business spiritual marketing club

How To Create Healthy Boundaries In Your Business.

  1. Be Clear On Your Ethics And Values
  2. Be Clear On Your Payment Structure And Concessions
  3. Be Clear On Your Greatest Gifts And Skills
  4. Be Honest What Your Not So Good At – Outsource or get some help
  5. Be Clear On Who Is Your Ideal Clients And Who Is NOT
  6. Clear Unhealthy Energetic Patterns Where You Give Your Power Away2
  7. Reframe Unhealthy Thought Patterns Through Meditative Positive Affirmations And Commands

Healthy boundaries around your ethics, your values and integrity helps you stand out from the crowd. A great way for your business to define what it stands for and what you won’t compromise on.

A clear payment structure, terms, and conditions makes it much easier to difficult with challenging or manipulative clients or customers. Just send them to your payment page, terms and conditions when needed. This is a big must for empaths in business who will feel their client’s pain and suffering.

Be clear on the products and services you offer and what you don’t. What type of clients or customers your products and services are for? And who you don’t provide for?

Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. We cannot be great at everything in your business. A successful business requires a mixture of skills, accounting, budgeting, marketing, social media strategies, sales, and good communication skills… Get help for the areas you are not so great at.

Start setting some Healthy Boundaries For 2020, make 2020 the year you and your clients remember. In my Platinum Spiritual Marketing Club Membership, I help you not just own more of your purpose and attract soul clients with an extensive library of spiritual business and spiritual marketing courses you get access to the Lightworkers Toolkit and Lightworkers Circle.

Ready To Attract More Soul Clients learn how to market your spiritual business in a more powerful, authentic way check out the Spiritual Marketing Club Membership

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