by Eileen Burns | Sep 7, 2016 | Business Advice, Healers, Holistic Business Advice, Spiritual, Therapists
Why Healers and Therapists Working Together, Can Help Us All Grow. Why I Believe Healers And Therapists Working Together Can Be A Powerful Force If you are a holistic or spiritual Business owner your business is about supporting and empowering...
by Eileen Burns | Aug 23, 2016 | Business Advice, Branding, Online Marketing, Social Media
What Is Your Business’s Secret Recipe For Success? Every Business Has Its Own Secret Recipe For Success What is Your Business’s Secret Recipe For Success? If you are a service-based spiritual business that offers coaching, healing, teaching, or...
by Eileen Burns | Aug 19, 2016 | Business Advice, Online Marketing, Social Media
How To Grow Your Facebook Audience. 10 Ways that help grow and feed your Facebook Fans. What You Need To Know To Grow Your Facebook Page And Audience Facebook is first and foremost a social media platform, an advertising...
by Eileen Burns | Aug 13, 2016 | Online Marketing, Branding, Marketing, Social Media
Are You Investing Enough Money In Target Marketing? What should you be expecting to pay to advertise your products and services? Why do so many holistic and spiritual business owners have challenges around investing in this aspect of their...
by Eileen Burns | Aug 9, 2016 | Business Advice
Learn How To Create A Manifesto In Your Business. Learn why creating a manifesto can strengthen your business and your client relationship. Core Ethics, Values and Boundaries is something therapist’s think of in the client and counsellor/therapist relationship....