Why I Recently Changed My Business
Over the last ten months I started to change my business from providing mainly Stress Management and Holistic Well-being Services and Training for the last 16 years to Online Marketing & Spiritual Business Advice for Coaches & Therapists.
WHY you make ask?
Especially from those who know that I LOVE MY HEALING and TEACHING WORK . And that I have dedicated nearly 25 years studying in this field.
But present health challenges have slightly pushed me towards a different direction for now. Due to very rare neurological complications, I am presently extremely sensory sensitive, leaving my home triggers violent movement disorders, seizures and deep muscle spasms. So I am housebound and unable to do workshops or stress counselling, healings or therapy but will be still offering some online courses and ebooks.
Anyway as we all know the universe acts in mysterious ways and sometimes pushes us in one direction when it needs to.So I am now offering Spiritual Mentoring & Coaching For Heart Based Therapists & Coaches.
I get to use business skills that I have gained from 16 years as a self-employed therapist as well as what I have learned from my family of entrepreneurs. Through the years of my practice, and due to my health situations I had opportunities to invest and learn a lot about online marketing and know I am in a position to share that knowledge and experience with you.
I have chosen to work with healers who have similar values to myself, who are dedicating their healing journey to truly making a difference to other’s lives. Like many of you, I wanted to make a difference and be the best therapist I could be, but health challenges limited the type of work and hours I could do. Like most of the dedicated healers I know, I seriously under-sold myself and had distorted beliefs around what I thought my clients could afford. Despite being very qualified and experienced in my field, I was limited by my predicament. but I survived in business for 16 years.
Although I focused primarily on stress management I realised I was naturally mentoring many coaches and therapists into choosing the right courses, the right areas of work and help them build their websites and develop their online marketing.
It is my opinion that to be a heart based therapist it is important to contribute, to share and to see the bigger picture; not be in survival mode driven by fear, but be of service with a sense of compassion and gratitude. These are my values and, although, I am not here to tell you what your values are, it is my intention that I attract heart based therapists who resonate with these values.
Would you like to Join My Free Holistic Business Advice Group on Facebook where I share a lot of free tips, advice, free downloads and discounted programs?

Wow! Sorry to hear about your health problems but how positive and inspiring that it has led you to start a new chapter in your career. Wishing you all the best Eileen 🙂
Hi Anna thank you for your kind words I am very blessed to have had these experiences and still be able to work 🙂
Eileen Burns recently posted…From Stress Coach To Spiritual Business Coach