Don’t Take Price Advice From The Wrong Clients Or A Coach That Doesn’t Understand Or Value Your Industry, Your Expertise And Products. Some of the most common pitfalls many heart-based businesses make when they take the wrong price advice from the wrong people.

STOP lowering your prices to help clients who don’t REALLY value you!

Don’t Take Price Advice From The Wrong Clients

Don’t let clients or those who don’t truly value your offerings to tell you how to price your products or services.

Or allow those who are not willing to make the time and financial sacrifice that they expect you to make.

What Happens When You Take The Wrong Price Advice

I spent years attracting the wrong clients and customers who would do all sorts of things to manipulate me to discount my offerings, give them more freebies, and not because they didn’t have the money.

But in most cases because they were not willing to prioritise or chose make certain sacrifices. But they expected me to give up and relinquish certain time, energy and money for them.

I found myself enabling them in many ways, encouraging them to remain in victimhood, a poverty or manipulative mindset and even encourage a sense of entitlement.

When I already gave so much for free, was undercharging for my services, and in so many ways was far more qualified, experienced and knowledgeable than so many of my peers.

Getting Price Advice

NEVER take price advice from someone who is not your ideal client or soul client and is just doing it to manipulate or control you.

Yes get price advice from a good business coach that understands your industry, understands your unique selling points, values and respects your offerings.

Get feedback from your Soul Clients who regularly invest in your business, who love your offerings, who share your offerings.

Soul Clients will NEVER devalue YOU!

Soul clients may make some suggestions to help and support you, be honest with you. But they won’t devalue your offerings or ask you to lower your prices just to suit them.

Because ultimately they honour and value you for what you do.

Soul Clients value you, respect you and want what is best for you and your business.

Your Pricing Should Reflect The Value Of The Solution You Offer

Your pricing should align with the solution you are offering and what your soul clients will invest. E

Every business is unique, every selling point is unique and just because someone charges more than you does not mean their product or service is worth more than you.

But remind yourself regularly of

The years, the decades of training and CPD you have undertook to be as qualified as you are.

The long-term investment you have made in your own spiritual growth, so you can be the best version of you for your clients.

Only you know the level and depth of mental, emotional and financial sacrifices you have made to be the therapist, healer or coach you are.

Only you and any business partners know the financial outgoings that you have to cover each month and year to sustain and grow your business.

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