Spiritual Business Coach and Spiritual Marketing Strategist For Spiritual Businesses spiritual Business coach for Healers, Therapists, Creative Artists.

Helping spiritual businesses and creatives identify, own and shine their light in their business and marketing”
Spiritual Business Coach, Healer, and Teacher – Eileen Burns
Are you a Spiritual Business Owner, ready to identify your greatest gifts?
A healer, coach, therapist or teacher ready to fully live your life and soul purpose?
A soul-led business owner who needs help to shine your uniqueness in your marketing?
Eileen Burns, Spiritual Business Coach & Mentor
As a Soul Aligned Marketing Strategist and Spiritual Business Coach I am here to help support create a life and business that is authentically you. Supporting you through growth and expansion, challenges and changes.
More than ever the world needs more light, more healers, and creatives who are dedicated to making a difference. More healers, teachers, creatives, and coaches with the courage and strength to step up and live their purpose.
As a highly sensitive empath and healer of over 30 years, who’s is a strong nurturer. I know too well the challenges of running a more heart-based and spiritual business.
The difficulties that can come when you are completely motivated and dedicated to being of service.
The challenges of standing out amidst the noise and manipulation of social media marketing.
As a spiritual business coach and marketing mentor who has been selling online for 20 years I know how important marketing and processes are in growing your business. That is why I created the Spiritual Marketing Club
My sessions and programs are a mixture of heaven and earth. A mixture of spiritual coaching, mentoring, healing, and divine guidance. A safe space to awaken more of your gifts and the practical steps to help shine them.
Spiritual Business And Spiritual Marketing Courses
Within the Spiritual Marketing Club Membership I provide a variety of powerful branding, marketing, and business courses for spiritual business, the spiritual coach, healer, spiritual artist. Courses all designed to help you unlock, own and shine your light so you start attracting more of your ideal clients.
Spiritual Business Coaching 1-2-1 Sessions
1-2-1 Spiritual Business Coaching and Mentoring Session with Eileen
A safe space to explore, identify, and learn how to align with more of your soul purpose, more of your soul gifts?
Create a more soul aligned business and marketing plan.
These spiritual business coaching sessions can be tailored to your individual brands needs