International and National Awareness Days in March 2021 to add to your social media calendar. National and International Days, National and International Awareness Events in March for Health, Wellbeing, Women, and Spirituality.
Awareness Days For Social Media Content
A lot of coaches, healers, and therapists can struggle to find ideas of content for their social media posts. International and National Awareness Days that are directly related to your audience can give you different ideas for content to share on your different social media platforms.
You can use these national events and awareness day to raise awareness about different issues by writing blogs, posts, creating podcasts, videos, or even eye-catching memes. Especially if you are a health, wellness coach, healer or therapist, or spiritual teacher.
The Month Of March
The month of March (Martius) was originally named for the Roman god of war, Mars. In the early Traditional Roman calendar, Martius was the first month of the calendar year. Because the first day of spring was viewed as a clean slate a new start.
This month we have a variety of national and international awareness days around mental and emotional wellbeing, conditions, diseases, religious and spiritual days. Although I am more of a clean eater being a bit of a lover of Peanutbutter, I was surprised to see in the USA March 1st is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day and a reminder that this month we have International Women’s Day in the United Kingdom. A day that brings back lots of memories of a lot of the International Women’s Workshops I used to do for women in my local and extended area.
Month Of March National and International Awareness Days
Monday 1 March – National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day in the United States
Monday 1st March -Self Injury/ Harm Awareness Day International
Monday 1- 7th March Eating Disorders Awareness Week in the United Kingdom
Monday 1-7 th March Endemetriosis Awareness Week
Monday 1st March St David’s Day in the United Kingdom
Wednesday 3rd March Hinamatsuir/ Doll’s Festival/ Girls’ Day in Japan
Friday 5th March Womens World Day Of Prayer Christain International
Monday, 8 March – International Women’s Day in the United Kingdom
Thursday 11th March – Mahashivratri Great Shivi Night Hindu -International
Thursday 11th March – The Prophet’s Night Journey –
Sunday 14th March Mothering Sunday Christain in United Kingdom
Thursday 18th – 24th March Higan Japanese – Spring Equinox
Friday 19th March St Josephs Day Christain
Saturday 20th March Shunbun No Hi Janapese
Monday, March 15th Clean Monday or Pure Monday it marks the beginning of Great Lent for followers of the Eastern Orthodox Christain Church, similar to Ash Wednesday in Western Catholic Church.
Wednesday, March 17th St Patrick’s Day traditionally people wear a shamrock a three-leaf clover because it represents the trinity. But if you find a 4 leaf clover it is supposed to be a good omen of hope, faith, love, and luck.
Saturday March 27th March is the start of Passover
Sunday 28th March – 3rd April Holy Week Christain International
Monday, March 29th – 31st March is known as the Borrowing Days, Scottish folklore proposes that these three days were borrowed from April so that March might extend his power.
International and National Awareness Months In March 2021
March’s Main National and International Awareness Month events for your social media calender include
Brain Tumour Awareness Month – United Kingdom
National Bed Month – united Kingdom
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in United Kingdom
Self Injury/ Harm Awareness Day International
Deep Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month United States
Endemetriosis Awareness Month International
National Nutrition Month in United States
Walker Over Cancer in United Kingdom