Therapist of The Week- Anna Stone, Calme Therapist
Hi Anna
Thank you for joining the new Business Spirit- Therapist of The Week
So for our readers that don’t know you Anna, can you tell me a little bit more about you and what you offer?
My name is Anna Stone and I’m owner and founder of Calme Therapies based in High Wycombe, England.
I offer a range of complementary therapies including aromatherapy, various forms of massage therapy and relaxation therapy, all with the aim of reducing my clients’ stress levels and increasing their well-being and calm.
I passionately believe that just about all of us can benefit from more calm and less stress in our lives and I bring that belief with me into every treatment I give.
So Anna can you tell me about your own personal journey, what inspired you into this work.
I think I’ve always been aware of complementary therapies but my interest in them really began when I was told I suffered from PCOS, a disorder of the endocrine system that, amongst other things, can have an adverse effect on fertility.
I can’t imagine there’s ever a good time to be told you may not be able to have children but hearing the news when I was desperate to start a family was very difficult indeed.
As my GP wasn’t able to suggest much that could help me, I began researching possible complementary treatments, more as a way for me to gain some control over my situation than anything.
At the time I was in a fairly stressful job but thought nothing of my constant headaches and neck pain or the frequent coughs and colds I suffered from. As I researched further though, it began to dawn on me that I was suffering from the effects of stress and, more importantly to me at the time, my high stress levels were very likely to be exacerbating my PCOS symptoms.
I decided to teach myself the basics of aromatherapy so I could use some blends at home and also started to have regular reflexology treatments. Within weeks of starting my new regime I was seeing an improvement in my symptoms and within 2 or 3 months I was pregnant. And it probably goes without saying that I was a complete convert to complementary therapies!
What an inspiring story, so can you give me a little bit more information on your training and experiences so far.
In 2012 I decided that I wanted to make the first moves into becoming a therapist myself so I began formal training in anatomy and physiology and then holistic massage. Since then I have also trained in relaxation therapy, aromatherapy and Indian head massage. Late last year I trained in deep tissue massage and I’m excited to be offering that as a treatment now too.
Formal training aside though, I’m also a busy working mum with two young children and was a seasoned commuter/office worker for 10 years so I really do understand what it’s like to be under constant work, family and time pressures. I feel it’s my life experiences more than anything that really help me to connect and empathise with my clients.
Definitely Anna I think so many therapists don’t recognise it’s their natural abilities, their life experiences that resonates with their customers and clients
If you had one piece of advice to give to our readers what would that be?
Our bodies are actually very good at telling us when we’re overdoing it but unfortunately when we have deadlines, to-do lists and endless commitments hanging over us we’re not always that good at noticing.
Taking time out for yourself, asking for help and support and finding ways to manage your stress really can help to make your life so much happier – and calmer.
At the date of this publication Anna is running an ongoing offer of 6 treatments for the price of 5. Click Here to Calme Therapies for more information.
During February Anna is offering 15% off gift vouchers – just in time for valentines day.
Feel free to sign up to her monthly newsletter on her website for details of future offers and discounts.
Anna Stone, Calme Therapies, Website:

Lovely reading this post. My sister also struggled to get pregnant and finally had success with the support of a complimentary therapist.
Thanks so much Wendy. Fantastic to hear that complementary therapies were able to help your sister too 🙂
I used to send a lot of my reiki clients struggling to get pregnant to a reflexologist I knew who had great success with infertility issues.